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Our Guests



“I became homeless in 2012. I sometimes sleep on the church porch if I have no other place to go. I feel ashamed sometimes. I try to do the right things ... we just can't get in a place. I have a friend named John who helps me. It's very hard to survive out here on the streets. I try to keep to myself. I pray for positivity ... God woke me up today. That’s a good thing. I like to try to think positive. Broadway church gives me hope and joy.”

Becky Moore


“Today I am working on getting to know myself ... from the past that was so negative to a future that's brighter: I am sober for about 45 days ... I come to BCP to get assistance and the help they give us in our time of need ... to see the people. To remember where I came from. I have lived in South Bend for 22 years. I have lived homeless and in rehabs ... I fell and now get up again. The Y helped me ... BCP and St. Margaret’s House ... “Someday I hope to give back. I love kids ... I am looking for my purpose in life ... that's why I am working on getting clean and finding out what God has in store for me.”



“Every day is a good day when I am above ground. Kenny is a good man, he takes good care of me. He is a good payee. Other payees treated me wrong. I like to recycle to make the Southeast community look nicer.”

Michael Kincannon


“I served in the U.S. Army for 12 years. I was a hand-to-hand combat instructor ... stateside ... I traveled all over to different bases. “This is a needed place for a lot of people in the community. It can do a lot for a person. I use places like Project WARM. The hardest part of being on the street is finding a safe place to sleep. BCP is a haven ... I come for breakfast."



“I was born in El Salvador. I came to America when I was 10. I am now 38 years old. I would like to have a car, a job, and work towards a comfortable life. “I think Broadway is a great place to come. They make you feel comfortable ... treat you well and they help you. It would be hard for some of us, if it weren't for Broadway. We can take a shower and change clothes. I like to ride bikes and work hard. I listen to people’s problems. I believe in God too.”

Linda Krayn


“What I love to do is go horseback riding ... and my cat ... I even once had a full blooded timber wolf ... that's how I got nickname Wolfie ... I like wolves because they are free and can do what they want ... they can go wherever ... that's why I’ve chosen to be homeless since 2008 ... I tried the YWCA once but it didn't work out ... I find safe places around. I have a cat named Baby Boy and he goes everywhere ... I like to care for him ... he is like a child who gives me unconditional love. A local vet office helped me for free ... a bug crawled into his skin and tried to make a cocoon. I like to come to BCP for the food and showers and depend on them."

Paul Hupp


 “I want wisdom and I know now what not to do, by making mistakes. One has to make the mistakes — it’s the way we learn. I am a smarter person now because of this. I have been coming here for 4 to 5 years. I think what Broadway does is important for the community. The Hope used to serve breakfast; when they stopped is when Broadway started serving breakfast, and I have been coming here ever since. I also come for the Sunday noon meal every week.”

Robert Brantley


“I have been coming to Broadway to help out in the kitchen for several years. I come in the mornings and make coffee, do dishes, and I help set up for the morning breakfast. “I am married to Vicki, and have four children and 16 grandchildren and also great-grandchildren. I really care about what Broadway does for people. Broadway really cares about people, and I want to help them do that, in whatever ways I can.”

574-289-0333 |

1412 Carroll Street • South Bend, Indiana 46613

© 2021 by Broadway Christian Parish

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